So The SHRINK and the General head for the bash???

Sep 21, 2004
Man, did I miss quite a bit planting my vegetables and getting ready for my new POLLIWOG. So the top two personalities, no exaggeration, are bailing on the RX. They go to the bash, representing a company they just resigned from? Or as posters? Or as competitors? I thought The SHRINK was the RX? Guess not. So, rather than speculate like I usually do, maybe some answers will follow.

What is the point of even having the bash, under the circumstances?

With the top two leaving the RX, who will get my disputes resolved?

Does the RX take a big hit on credibility now?

Wil is in charge? Yikes!

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Frog - not to worry the Bash will be held as planned and will imo be a huge success. Will Shrink and General Pete be there - absolutely.

Disputes will be handled as usual by all the moderators here at the Rx. If you do not care to deal with me I am sure Fishhead (or any other mod) would be glad to help out, it's your call.
Crediblity is a subjective quality and remains in the eye the beholder.

BOL. wil.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
OF..why in the name of god can't Shrink and General go to the bash??? they are POSTERS of the site....MAJOR is a poster of the site and owns MW he could go if he wanted to... BUZZ owns SBR and posts at the RX, HE has gone and could go if he wants to.

whats the BIG deal???:icon_conf :icon_conf

as far as Wil he is extremely credible and as honest as The general in everyway ..I am not lieing about that and the guy has experience also
Sep 21, 2004
Well, you got one thing right, I do not care to deal with you. You just did not burn our bridge you blew it up.

Not going to debate credibility with you either. Answer me this, who would the average poster want to go after thier money, The SHRINK and the General, or the also rans?

FROG attending bash odds: Yes 1% No 99%.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Sep 20, 2004
I thought Omnivourous Frog was the top two posters?

Best Wishes :howdy: :howdy:

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
FROG- I would be more than happy to help you in any dispute that you have with any offshore book.

As long as I am at the RX, that will be the case.

Your friend,

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Frog - I have one word for you - Whatever.

Have a nice life.

BOL. wil.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Your kidding right? Why have the bash??? Call me crazy but people will be at the bash to have fun, not because its a chance to bow at Ken's presence.

As for credibility, that is obviously for you to decide for yourself, but I think its quite misguided for many posters to insist we all view this site as damaged goods. If you don't trust the site that's fine, but the place will still offer tremendous value to readers, posters, advertisers and owners/employees.

Sorry if I didn't answer your questions in interviewing Shrink, but let's be honest here I highly doubt he could have answered your questions to your satisfaction.

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Not going to debate credibility with you either. Answer me this, who would the average poster want to go after thier money, The SHRINK and the General, or the also rans?
That's funny Froggy!:lolBIG:

Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001
also rans?

Damn! That is like being called a loser or someone who isn't very important.

I think those guys deserve better than that Froggy.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I am very relieved to see that you, a well-respected poster, have the same queasy feeling about this move/defection as I do.

I was beginning to think I belong in the insane asylum, but if you're there too at least we can have some heads-up capping contests or play high stakes rock-paper-scissors or something. :103631605
Sep 21, 2004
Let's not kid ourselves here. The SHRINK and The General were the top two here. The best. So, if I have a dispute am I going to follow them to thier new site, and have them handle my dispute, the best and most experienced? They have combined instant credibility, are proven and have got the job done. That is the bottom line.

Next, not to invoke the sinking ship analogy, but without thier affiliation to this site, what advertisers are going to jump ship to the new site when thier contracts expire here. For example, look at front page of IIS. It is bannered with an endorsement from The SHRINK, a pioneer in the industry. This is a tough subject not to belittle who is left here, but it appears the best left. I hate to be cynical, but always am, what have the remaining people proven?

The bash. Sure no problem, the ownership of the RX have The SHRINK and The general attend the bash they are sponsoring, but these employees have resigned. You know what happened in IBM when you resigned? They got the card key back from you the day it became effective. What could they possibly do besides bring back memories of the good old days, and talk about new frontiers of the new site, with Don Best partnership. Why not invite all the competitors to steal away all of your customers. Do you remember how severely Roxyfraud was dealt with for conspiring to steal away members?

Maybe I am just clueless and ignorant here, but my crystal ball does not show good fortune in the future for the RX. And I am not potshotting people who enjoyed falsely accusing me of past posting, but just pointing out a proven commodity leaving the site, with many questions to be answered in the near future. Excuse me for having an independent thought.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
The RX has been left in very good hands, imo. Wil, Bucs, Dante, Fish, and J Man are very capable souls and it'll be "business as usual" as far as i can see. I have a feeling General and Shrink will be nearby, even after Aug 1st.
Sep 21, 2004
Darryl Parsons said:

I am very relieved to see that you, a well-respected poster, have the same queasy feeling about this move/defection as I do.

I was beginning to think I belong in the insane asylum, but if you're there too at least we can have some heads-up capping contests or play high stakes rock-paper-scissors or something. :103631605

I was hoping for something easier, in the asylum. Maybe a drooling contest. First one to the ground or longest. Can be performed in a straight jacket. Listen to the "Ballad of Dwight Fry" by Alice Cooper. For moodset. DP, you are one of the clearest thinkers here. I read your thoughts along with SS questioning ethics of the move. Well, business is business. I would not sell a belt buckle for a million, but without a non-competitive clause that is just asking for trouble. When The SHRINK slowly divested himself, but hung around propping up the RX, he was secretly scheming to do just that. It did not happen overnight. This required many feelers, a feasibility study and a action plan. Leaving the General would have eased the transition. Shame on The SHRINK for being a ruthless businessman, but we always knew he was. Those types make it to the top. But for the RX owners to give him a free pass was them just not covering thier own asses. Whose fault is that? We get a first hand lesson in the dog eat dog mentality of business. Ugly, but educational.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
FROG-- After three different occassions at the nearby APPLEBEYS where the food was no good, I decided to never come back.

In fact, I didn't even fill out a COMMENT card...................I just basically said the hell with them.


New member
Sep 27, 2004
Fishhead said:
FROG-- After three different occassions at the nearby APPLEBEYS where the food was no good, I decided to never come back.

In fact, I didn't even fill out a COMMENT card...................I just basically said the hell with them.

Is this sarcastic or facetious? Either way, very good!:lolBIG: Good luck with the Shrink and General OF!:howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
Fishhead said:
FROG-- After three different occassions at the nearby APPLEBEYS where the food was no good, I decided to never come back.

In fact, I didn't even fill out a COMMENT card...................I just basically said the hell with them.


I am a one forum FROG fishy. Do you think that Appleby's lost thier best manager and best chef/cook before your bad experiences? Because of people like you, in fact everyone but wil, I could never just turn my back and say to hell with you. Do not get this wrong, I am on the razor's edge here. I really do not want to belittle you or any of the other mods. That is not my intent. But, I am concerned and tried to diplomatically voice my concerns without demeaning you and the others mods. You will never be an also ran in my eyes bud. I am a horrible diplomat, obviously. But still a member, and trying to make a decision on which pond the FROG should habitate.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Cool MR FROG, understand.

No matter what lilly pad you plan on spending for the day or week, please understand that if you EVER need ANYTHING, don't hesitate to give me a shout.................I will do my very honest best to help you.

Take care,
Sep 21, 2004
Fishhead said:
Cool MR FROG, understand.

No matter what lilly pad you plan on spending for the day or week, please understand that if you EVER need ANYTHING, don't hesitate to give me a shout.................I will do my very honest best to help you.

Take care,

Likewise Fishy, I have enjoyed our forum threads immensely, and could never turn my back on you, or say the hell with Fishy. My feelings tell me you are a stand up guy. In real life, not Forum make believe, I would call you a friend, and we could shoot the shit for hours. You are a straightshooter and always appear to be on the up and up. I greatly respect and appreciate your offer. No matter what, I truly wish you the best and may all of your big pots be nuts. Yours hopefully.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

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